Monday, May 28, 2012

What's Next?

Hello all!

This past Thursday the Women's Bible Study ended and what a wonderful journey it was in the Book of John. So many treasures that were rediscovered as well as new ones. The last day of a study is always so bittersweet for me. Even though as the summer begins, studying the Bible remains a constant in my life, however, there is something so precious about studying the Bible with other godly women. I love the encouragement we all give to one another and the prayer......oh how I love praying together and for one another. God has blessed our time of fellowship so much and I have made some beautiful friends and they are such beautiful sisters in Christ!

So what is next?? Well I learned something in the Book of John, as God restored Peter from his three fold denial (John 18:15-18) to his three fold restoration (John 21:15-19), when Jesus asked Peter "Do you love me?" three times. I learned that God restored him to his calling. He was no longer to be a 'fisherman' but a 'fisher of men' and therefore there was something next. So just because it's summer break from the Women's Bible study session it does not mean that it's a summer break from what God has called me to do. What exactly is that? Well at this point in my walk I feel that God is calling me to get back to the basics and study His word, draw closer to Him and learn how to walk and stand on the rock which is His Word.

I have to confess I had lost sight of some basic principals. I sure haven't been much of a reflection of Him and have been struggling with some things in my life. I have allowed them to become a distraction from Him and my priorities had shifted a little bit.

For the summer, I will be doing the Beth Moore study of the Book of James - Mercy Triumphs. I have already started it and am planning to blog about what I learn each week.

I am really looking forward to this study.

God Bless You! May we always put God first in our lives!



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